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Transcriptome Profiling Services

Clariom expression assay services offer a powerful and flexible tool for measuring a broad range of expression changes across the whole transcriptome quickly, easily, and cost-effectively. This includes services for human, mouse, and rat Clariom D and Clariom S arrays.

High-Resolution Transcriptomics

  • Obtain gene-level (Clariom S array) or exon-resolution (Clariom D array) of the entire transcriptome with over >20,000 gene targets, without sacrifice to time or cost
  • Detect low expressors, alt-splicing, or rare events with high precision
  • Robust gene models combine all of the public coding and non-coding databases, providing a comprehensive view of the transcriptome

Samples for this service are sent to the Thermo Fisher Scientific Transcriptome Services Laboratory, a high-throughput gene expression analysis facility that offers fast and affordable expression services. The lab generates high-quality data that enables academic and research institutions to complete their large-scale proof-of-principle and/or large-scale studies quickly. The short turnaround times enable our customers to conduct their data analysis rapidly, helping to advance our customers’ publication and grant submission objectives.

Please contact us for more information about any of these services.
