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NIRS™ DS2500 F

The NIRS™ DS2500 F is a monochromator-based NIR reflectance analyser dedicated for the NIR analysis of feed and raw materials with exceptional accuracy across a wavelength range of 850-2500nm. Get the highest level of quality control with results in under a minute. It can be pre-calibrated with global data for most common feed types and ingredients. This system is 100% compatible with older FOSS NIR systems for easy transfer of existing data without loss of performance.

Designed for use in the laboratory or feed mill, the NIRS™ DS2500 F is ideal for:

  • Routine control of intake for optimal use of raw materials
  • Routine production control for improved efficiency and economy
  • Final product monitoring on diverse control parameters

Sample Type: Direct measurements of feed and forage samples in ground or unground form, for example direct measurement of pellets

Parameters: FOSS global calibrations include: Fat, Protein, Moisture, Ash, Starch and Crude Fiber; NDF and ADF for forages. Access to relevant reference analysis makes it possible to develop additional calibrations for different parameters and you can also develop additional calibrations for advanced parameters such as digestibility.